Saturday, February 21, 2009

Third Visit.

My third visit was on February 20th, 2009. (yesterday)

Right away, I was brought into the room where my first set of impressions were done. 
This time, there were two ladies in the room. I was told that these were going to be very messy, and I was given this 'bib' the size of me. One of the ladies had a sucker thing, and the water thing, (sorry for my lack of vocabulary in the dental area) and dried off my back teeth. I then got this blue goop directly on my surface of my bottom teeth. I was told to bite down, and keep it there. This did not trigger any of my nerves, so I was perfectly alright with it. It took about a minute or two for the substance to be totally hard, and it was then taken out of my mouth. 

My teeth got dried off again by the lady, and she then had an injector type thing, and put the pink goo (which is the substance of the detailed impressions would be) and put them on my back molars, and back molars only. They made new trays for the impressions, that were made just for me with my first impressions. They fit better in my mouth and weren't so bulky like my first ones. I was told that these would be in my mouth for a long time, and are messy. One lady was there to apply the pressure, and the other lady was there to clean out my mouth with all the pink stuff that got in it because it was everywhere, (tongue, chin, bib, throat.) I requested her to do my tops first since I had the big issue with the first time. The tray was inserted, and I immediately began to gag. I'm not going to go into details, but I vomited, twice. But luckily, the drool can thing was there, and I got it in. The tray was in there for about 5 minutes, which really seemed like a lifetime. Taking them out was hard and the lady was having trouble, but I guess it was because the substance hardens so much. I was happy that the tops were over with. I rinsed my mouth and took off all the pink hardened stuff off of my face. Next were the bottoms. I wasn't nervous at all. Same procedure as tops. Only difference was that I did not hesitate, gag, or puke. They were done in 5 minutes, and I was all set to leave. (:

P.S, I should be getting a call from the orthodontist in about a month, when my trays first come in.


  1. Poor you, that sounds horrible! Good luck with the trays though.

  2. Your blog is great and has been really helpful for me in making the decision for myself to take the plunge! Check out my blog at!

  3. aww... I'm sorry that the impressions went so badly for you. I had mine done about a month after I had my wisdom teeth out and it was a rather painful and extremely uncomfortable process so my memories of having impressions done isn't that fond either.

    Anyhow, hope the rest of it goes more smoothly!

